Dear Atheists and Christians, Part 2....

Hello again.
Did you take a moment?  A breath?  A bit of time to process?
Because here we go again.
Here are the next two points of my thoughts- which are geared more toward my Atheist/Agnostic type friends.
And yes, I do have atheist and agnostic friends. And I love them and value them and listen to them.
To the point that I probably don't say what I really think enough- because I AM listening.

A reminder of what we are talking about.....

And we are up to points 2 and 3- which were:

2. This is the impression that the world and unbelievers have of the Church in the United States...which is horrifying and travesty.

3.  People are judging all Christians (including me) based on things like this.

Once again.
Where do we begin?  I think these two points kind of roll together and in and upon one another.
I am hoping that this opens a window for Agnostics and Atheists to quit lumping Christians altogether and judging us based on the ones that behave the worst.

Because THAT has worked out so well for Christians who do that- right?

Here's the thing- we are all imperfect people.  ALL of us.  Even Joel Osteen and his troops- imperfect people. 
We are all greedy, selfish, self-righteous, proud, arrogant, insecure, addicted, messy, messy, messy.
THAT is truth.
Even Christians.

Here is the real truth about many people who love Jesus.  WE GET THAT.
We know that we are beyond a hot mess, we don't claim to be anything but a HOT MESS.
Which is WHY we need Jesus.
Honestly- everything good about me- is because I have allowed Him into my world, I have studied His teachings, allowed Him to heal my brokenness...and that healing of brokenness?  It is a life-long process.
This past weekend, I had the privilege to participate in a conference that concentrated on emotional healing and freedom.  You know what happened?  I found this big area of my life that is messing me up- and has messed me up for about 40 years- I have bad and wrong thinking about this area that has led to serious self-destruction- to this very day!  I will be working through it here in the near future- and then- I am sure that God will reveal another area of brokenness that needs His healing touch.  And yes, I believe with my whole heart that He can do that- because I have experienced healing that can't happen any other way- and that is a blog for another day.

But I want you to know- my A&A's- that "Christians" cannot be lumped into one category.  That's like saying ALL Democrats are exactly like Hillary Clinton.  How is that working for you?

But sadly, you only hear the loud, hateful, unloving noisy ones.  The ones that spew hate and ridiculousness. Do you really think we're all like Ted Cruz?  Shudder.
We all believe what we want to believe- we operate out of fear- and we believe lies.
I know.
That's crazy.  Of course, YOU don't- and I don't...but I hear tell that others do.
We unwittingly believe spin, and rhetoric and lies and propaganda that all pits us against each other- screaming and yelling and feeling "right" and "righteous" instead of loving.
We're more alike than we think- in our brokenness, and in the good things that happen as well.
True story.

And while we're all up in Joel Osteen's dance space about the conspicuous consumption, and in Ted Cruz's dance space about...well, where does one begin, really?  There is a lot going on that you don't hear about.
Do you know why?
Because imperfect people all over the world are just trying to love Jesus and one another and those are not the ones who make the news- because where is the drama and judgement in that?  In this society of strife- no one wants to talk about everyday love, the variety where people lay down their lives every moment for someone else.  People who sacrifice and go without so someone else doesn't.

Yes- we want to make these insanely wealthy consuming churches pay taxes- but what does that do to people like my pastors?
They each have 4 kids, are making ends meet in a way that isn't excessive, but is thankfully enough- and the only building they are working on right now is a safe house for trafficked children in Nepal.
But do you hear about that?  No.  

Do you want to help?  We're in the final stretch and there is a matching gift this month...
Think of it- at least 60 children and women, safe, fed, off the streets, educated and not sold into SLAVERY.  I want to believe this is just the beginning...go check the website out- you'll be glad you did.

You don't hear much about people who are getting it- who are getting what God has called us to do:

 Like the Hatmaker's- who are another Texas couple who run Austin New Church.  God wrecked their lives and made them give up their new boots and awesome stuff started to happen...Look them up- they are amazing- and hilarious.  Every year, their church doesn't do an Easter Service- they do a party- out on the streets for the homeless- and this year- they gave away brand new shoes for everyone.  They called out across the country for people to help- and they did.  I'd link you to some sites- but the truth is, this year- the news didn't really cover them- they have been doing it for a couple of years- so I guess it just isn't a "thing" this year- but you know what?  WHO CARES?  They did it anyway.  And people ate, and got to know one another and got new shoes.
This stuff happens all the time,  you just don't hear about it.
Want to check them out?  Well, start with Jen- she's SO funny- and awesome...

There are a lot of us who love Jesus.  We are not perfect.  We don't have it altogether.  We screw up, we get angry, we fuss at our spouses and our kids.
I am sorry if we give the impression that we don't care about anyone but ourselves.
Sometimes, some of us don't- that is true.  Because we are REAL PEOPLE.
But a lot of us do care, and we take what Jesus calls us to seriously.
We don't always do it "right"- we mess up too.
But we care. About you.  We many as we can.
Some of us do understand that it's not up to us to judge you- and we're sorry that you feel judged.
That is between you and God, but we DO believe it IS between you and God.
We hope you meet Him- and know how much He really does love you.

I am sorry where we have misrepresented Him...where we misrepresent Him on a daily basis.
Forgive us.  Forgive me.
But I want you to know.  I love Jesus.  And, I want you to know, that He loves you.
I care about the homeless, the hungry, the hurting and the broken.  I care about refugees and gay people and transgender people and racism and misogyny and all the horror in the world.  I just care about people.  I don't always know what to do about it- but I am trying.
Many of us are.
Come hang out with us- most of us would love it- love to get to know you- to love you.
We don't judge you based on the noisy extremes of "your camp"- we just ask the same.
And I understand why you may be resistant- we haven't been particularly good at this "loving" thing along the way.
But we're trying.
Give us a chance- who knows what kind of good we can do together?
We could change the world.


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