Monday musings....

So- this won't be a big deal today, or will it?
Yesterday, I went back to church after a month-long break due to family stuff. It was nice to be back- and I went early to go to the pre-service prayer, because, well, that's what I like to do most.
Well, a few things struck me yesterday during service- it was some good stuff- still chewing on a lot of it.

And it was great to be back.  I just love being in the presence of fellow intercessors- how we encourage one another, how we inspire the "popcorn" prayer in each other by the power of the Holy Spirit- and then something struck me.

In regard to prayer, what if we prayed according to our original design?  This is one of the things  that struck me after asking friends to pray about my insomnia- which is getting bad again.  It was pointed out to me (thanks, Grace!)  that it is not God's original design for me to have insomnia.  And I can pray from the viewpoint of my original design...(I am still working on that one- I didn't sleep through the night last night- but it was an okay night of sleep- and I didn't take any drugs to help- for the first time in ages)  And then that got me thinking about our original design and worship- our original design is to see God clearly and commune with Him- which is what I consider worship- to see Him for who He really is... which goes back to a verse I read in Jeremiah (that book has some great stuff- you know, in between all the bits where people are plotting to kill him)

I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.
Jeremiah 24:7

It starts with God.  He's the one who gives us the heart to know Him- and we worship from that place.
Meanwhile- back on the thought about prayer.

What if....

Luke 6:31
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What if...we prayed for other people the way we would like to be prayed for?

How would this change our life?  What if we prayed for the people who DRIVE US BONKERPANTS the way we would want to be prayed for?  Our enemies?
Would this revolutionize our heart?

Would it increase our capacity to love?
What would it do?


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