So, this morning in my quiet time I was praying.
This is what I prayed.
I began to notice a you see the theme?
Seriously. I am PLUM WORE OUT by all the noise, and the yelling and the unsubstantiated posturing and the fact that He-who-must-not-be-named is for reals a contender as a presidential candidate?
What is WRONG WITH US????
Here are a few tips I try to keep in mind as the interwebs assault my brain:
1. TWITTER is not the GOSPEL- for reals, people- it's a bunch of people being witty in 60 characters or less-or whatever- it's not GOSPEL TRUTH.
2. CHECK YOUR SOURCES- research, people! Research. Look it up- see what the source material is- check your facts! Where did they get their information? Don't just take people's word for it, check it out yourself!
3. LOOK AT WHAT THE OTHER SIDE HAS TO SAY. Seriously- do it, you might be surprised or learn something you didn't know. LISTEN.
6. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- unless and until God tells you otherwise.
There is a lot of crazy happening out there people. A LOT. And before we react and respond in kind, perhaps- we should take a breath, a prayer, a moment to see what is what before we get our knickers in a twist. Don't respond out of fear. Don't respond out of being annoyed. I know, it's hard.
People can be stupid.
Sheep are stupid too.
True story- sometimes they drown because they are TOO STUPID to look down when it rains. WTF?
Jesus calls us sheep.
We can be so dumb sometimes- I can be so dumb sometimes, and if we think we can't- well, that's a whole other issue entirely.
And as I was pondering this during my quiet time, asking God to help us discern what is truth and to respond wisely to it, a scene from Far From the Madding Crowd got fixed in my brain.
Have you read it? Seen it?
Well- let's talk about one of the opening chapters/scenes.
In which, in the middle of the night- the old, beloved and faithful sheepdog goes a bit batshit crazy, and proceeds to herd his sheep out of their nice, safe pen and over a cliff to their doom.
And the sheep? They're not like, "Oh no! This can't be right! Is this right? It feels wrong, It's the middle of the night! This isn't how it works! This isn't a good idea! Maybe I won't go with him! This is a BAAAAAAAAAD idea! " (get it?)
Not a bit of it.
They go over the cliff.
And it's not like they're pushing back and resisting and slip- oh... no.
They RUN and LEAP off the cliff like it's the best thing ever!
Not even kidding.
Joyously leaping to their death- because they are too stupid to question what is presented to them.
Even in the film, where the sheep are thankfully CGI- it's devastating. And the farmer? He loses EVERYTHING. His herd- is gone. He has to kill the ones who manage to survive- and...He has to shoot his beloved dog so he doesn't go and herd the neighbors' sheep off cliffs as well.
This is a sucky situation all around, people.
And I wonder- how many of us are the sheep? And, are any of us the dog? Are we leading the sheep astray?
I think we need to be very careful here, folks.
Jesus has quite a bit to say about sheep, here are just a few:
If one gives answer before he hears,
This is what I prayed.
"Lord- please help us (Your children) to not be stupid.
Wake us up. Help us to not be stupid.
Give us wisdom and discernment and help us to love instead of react and lash out.
Help us to not be stupid."
I began to notice a you see the theme?
Seriously. I am PLUM WORE OUT by all the noise, and the yelling and the unsubstantiated posturing and the fact that He-who-must-not-be-named is for reals a contender as a presidential candidate?
What is WRONG WITH US????
Here are a few tips I try to keep in mind as the interwebs assault my brain:
1. TWITTER is not the GOSPEL- for reals, people- it's a bunch of people being witty in 60 characters or less-or whatever- it's not GOSPEL TRUTH.
2. CHECK YOUR SOURCES- research, people! Research. Look it up- see what the source material is- check your facts! Where did they get their information? Don't just take people's word for it, check it out yourself!
3. LOOK AT WHAT THE OTHER SIDE HAS TO SAY. Seriously- do it, you might be surprised or learn something you didn't know. LISTEN.
6. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- unless and until God tells you otherwise.
There is a lot of crazy happening out there people. A LOT. And before we react and respond in kind, perhaps- we should take a breath, a prayer, a moment to see what is what before we get our knickers in a twist. Don't respond out of fear. Don't respond out of being annoyed. I know, it's hard.
People can be stupid.
Sheep are stupid too.
True story- sometimes they drown because they are TOO STUPID to look down when it rains. WTF?
Cute, but not so bright....
Jesus calls us sheep.
We can be so dumb sometimes- I can be so dumb sometimes, and if we think we can't- well, that's a whole other issue entirely.
And as I was pondering this during my quiet time, asking God to help us discern what is truth and to respond wisely to it, a scene from Far From the Madding Crowd got fixed in my brain.
Have you read it? Seen it?
Well- let's talk about one of the opening chapters/scenes.
In which, in the middle of the night- the old, beloved and faithful sheepdog goes a bit batshit crazy, and proceeds to herd his sheep out of their nice, safe pen and over a cliff to their doom.
And the sheep? They're not like, "Oh no! This can't be right! Is this right? It feels wrong, It's the middle of the night! This isn't how it works! This isn't a good idea! Maybe I won't go with him! This is a BAAAAAAAAAD idea! " (get it?)
Not a bit of it.
They go over the cliff.
And it's not like they're pushing back and resisting and slip- oh... no.
They RUN and LEAP off the cliff like it's the best thing ever!
Not even kidding.
Joyously leaping to their death- because they are too stupid to question what is presented to them.
Even in the film, where the sheep are thankfully CGI- it's devastating. And the farmer? He loses EVERYTHING. His herd- is gone. He has to kill the ones who manage to survive- and...He has to shoot his beloved dog so he doesn't go and herd the neighbors' sheep off cliffs as well.
This is a sucky situation all around, people.
And I wonder- how many of us are the sheep? And, are any of us the dog? Are we leading the sheep astray?
I think we need to be very careful here, folks.
Jesus has quite a bit to say about sheep, here are just a few:
When He saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,
because they were harassed and helpless,
like a sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9;36
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves,
Therefore be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves.
Matthew 10:16
My sheep listen to My voice,
And I know them,
And they follow Me.
John 10:27
Jesus says we're sheep. Alas, truth. Cute, not so bright- oh yes, I can relate to this.
And we're out among the wolves- the ravenous wolves of the enemy- who just happen to LOVE mutton.
But we should listen to our Shepherd- and know His voice- so that we can be shrewd, and innocent and FOLLOW HIM. Yes, there is a time to speak up- to fight injustice, to champion love- but sometimes we just need to be still to hear the truth- and wait for the right words, in the right time- so that they are more effective.
Whoever belittles his neighbor lacks sense,
but a man of understanding remains silent.
Proverbs 11:12
Be angry, and do not sin, ponder in your own hearts
on your beds and be silent.
Psalm 4:4
The wise of heart will receive commandments,
but a babbling fool will come to ruin.
Proverbs 10:8
If one gives answer before he hears,
it is his folly and shame.
Proverbs 18:3
Whoever guards his mouth
preserves his life, he opens wide his lips
and comes to ruin.
Proverbs 13:13
When words are many, transgression is not lacking,
but whoever restrains his lips is prudent
Proverbs 10:19
Now we know, there is much injustice, and ridiculousness and stupidity in the world, and it's all very, very LOUD. And we do need to speak up- for the afflicted, for the needy, for justice. We do. I believe this with all my heart.
Open your mouth, judge righteously and
defend the rights of the oppressed and the needy.
Proverbs 31:9
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,
but only such as is good for building up,
as fits the occasion,
that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29
Let us speak. Let us speak with love- and wisdom. Let us not speak out of a knee-jerk, and potentially uniformed reaction. Be still- seek the Lord, seek information- seek truth- then speak love, and grace and freedom.
Let us be careful.
Let us be smart Shaun.
This dude. Did you see the movie? If you didn't, you should- it's delightful.
He leads the sheep to town to rescue their beloved farmer- and it's quite the adventure.
Shaun is smart- and he seeks the good of those around him, those he loves.
Shaun is smart- and he seeks the good of those around him, those he loves.
Let us be like Shaun and seek the good of those around us, instead of gleefully leaping off cliffs to our doom.
Be still...and know He is God.
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Hi there- we may hit on some hot-button topics- so I would just like to make sure everyone plays nice.
Thank you for taking time to read this and comment!
I appreciate it so much!