
Big thoughts.
Swirling and crashing around in my noggin.
Good heavens.
What on earth do I do with them all?
Seriously- y'all are like,"...those blog posts are good, but they're looooong."
I know, I am sorry, but...
What do I do with all this stuff?

It's exhausting to be in my brain.
I once had a prophecy that was all "No one has any idea how you think and think the thoughts in your head.  How they twirl in your brain."
Other than God, I will say that is VERY TRUE.

So what on earth am I thinking about?

Lent.  What to do with Lent.  I just finished Advent for crying out loud.
I expect I will be done with Lent by Pentecost.
For Lent- I will be reading/doing 7 by Jen Hatmaker- if you haven't read it, you should- it's awesome- and talk about perspective.  Yikes.

This book will wreck you, and you will thank it....you will laugh,
you will cry, 
it will become a part of you.

The battle against excess...it's in my brain- banging around with all the other stuff.

Meanwhile, back in my brain...
Valentine's day, my tenth anniversary, love- what does it all mean?
Between birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentines...I am broke from buying cards!  WHY DID WE GET MARRIED IN FEBRUARY????
Oh yeah- because that is when there was an opening in the production schedule at the theatre- true story.  Frankly, if we had to wait for an opening now, we would never get married.

10 years on February 19th- I KNOW.

Other thoughts...
Joel 2:12-13- it is EVERYWHERE in my world right now.  OKAYGODIAMLISTENING.
Those verses are crashing around with passages from Jeremiah and Isaiah- fight for the oppressed!  champion the needy!  pray!  be a repairer of the breech!  pray some more! Lament!  Repent!  Act! Write!  Speak!  

Politics and faith.
Seriously- is Voldemort going to be president?  Because, I just can't even.

But here's what I am noticing in all the hullabaloo- no matter where you fall in the political spectrum- people are fed up with life- they know something is wrong.
They are fed up with injustice, racism, misogyny, poverty, education.  These are all real problems.
Our health care system is unbelievably broken, our education system apparently hates children and only wants to create stressed out robots who work for 80 hours per week and can't pay off their student loans, people are being forced out of their cities (Seattle, I am talking to you) because 'normal" people can no longer afford to live there...BROKEN.  EVERYTHING IS BROKEN.

But here's the thing.
The government can't fix it.
I know.
But it's true.

And all the stuff that people are concerned about- well, I am not sure it can be fixed by government.
So here is the other thing.

Taking care of the poor,  Looking out for orphans and widows, including the outsider, healing the sick- that sort of thing....can I tell you the truth?
That is not the job of the government.
Let me say that again.
Taking care of the needy and broken is NOT THE JOB OF THE GOVERNMENT.

It is the job of the BRIDE.
And because the Bride is too busy being complacent- doing her nails, buying new clothing, building buildings she doesn't need, being comfortable, writing checks, living the "American dream"- she is not doing what Jesus called her to do.

And that is the hard truth.  Now, there are pockets of people- doing what we're called to do- but it's hard.  They are inspiring to us- but they still remain, "they."  Some of us (myself included) wish we had the courage to just go for it- to give the call all that we have- but is is so difficult.  The American Dream is not Christianity. However, we have talked ourselves into believing that it is- we have convinced ourselves that being content and comfortable and going to church is what being a Christian means.
And we are wrong.
It is hard and scary to give up our comfort to help others.  To get messy, to love. It's hard for us to spread our wealth.
Why should we?  After all, it is the "1%" who own everything- THEY should give it up  to help others- not us.
We're only "middle class."  Let the "wealthy" take care of them- they can afford it...

But that doesn't matter.
Should the 1% do more?  Sure.  That would be great.
But so should we.
If we have running water, books, blankets, clothing to choose from, choices in what we eat,  mobile phones, TV's, tablets- we are WEALTHY.  If you can purchase things for your hobby- you are WEALTHY.   If you have disposable income, YOU ARE WEALTHY.

I am wealthy.  But believe me, living in Seattle- I sure don't feel like it.  Food is ridiculous.  Rents and utilities have shot up like crazy in the past couple of years- but our income has stagnated.   I still have disposable income.  I have cut flowers on my desk today because....I wanted them.  I didn't spend a lot of money on them- but they are a luxury- and a blessing- and I am thankful.
And I am sick of it.
Of myself.
And all my crap.

I am sick of wasted food in the compost because I decided I wanted something different.
I am sick of clothing I don't wear.
And where the heck did all this "stuff" come from?
Waging a war on excess- and hopefully, I can help others in the process.
I am rich- in so many ways.
And yes, I do think it is ridiculous that I pay more in taxes than Warren Buffett.
But that doesn't matter.
That doesn't affect who I am called to be.
It doesn't affect what Jesus wants me to do.
And if we all did what we could....

We could change the world.  And whatever happened in government wouldn't matter.
Because the BRIDE would change the world.

Let me tell you a true story- about a friend of mine- who shall remain nameless for the time being.
This person found out that a woman and her kid(s?) were about to become homeless.
So he got on the phone- and called, and called, and called, and called and FINALLY found a lady that would rent these folks an apartment in spite of their terrible credit.  This friend took care of the deposit.  Then they discovered there was no furniture.  So- off to Goodwill they all went.  And they purchased a dining suite, and a couch, coffee table, lamps, beds- you know...FURNITURE.
They got to the cash register- and the manager of the Goodwill found out what was happening.  So he took a marker and started crossing out prices-  he replaced the prices with .99 or 1.00.  Do you know how much it cost to furnish that apartment?
Thirty-one dollars.

If we all did what we could do- we could CHANGE THE WORLD.

We need to wake up.
We need to not be complacent.
We need to repent our complacency.
We need to lament and weep and recognize what is wrong in our world.
We need to act.

Hoo boy.  It's big...and scary.  And I don't know if I can do it- but I want to try.
Join me?
Let's change the world.


  1. Yep. I've been saying that for years. Even if we went full-blown Socialist, which many Americans inexplicably want, it won't solve the problem. MORE people will be poor - not less. And the top 1% will still be hiding their cash, so the burden will fall soundly on the Middle Class. One of my prayers is that the church wake up out of its slumber, repent for allowing the darkness to come in like a flood and for turning away from those in need, and start being the light God intended us to be in this world. Change can come, but it has to start with us. The Church. Rant over.


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Hi there- we may hit on some hot-button topics- so I would just like to make sure everyone plays nice.
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