Stay tuned....

It has been awhile, friends.
Lots has been happening.
We opened the musical Big Fish at the theatre- go see it if you can, it's delightful.
Then, we went on vacation- it was awesome- whales, seals, sea lions, views, food, water, dunes....brilliant.
We came back and
Our beautiful new godson was born. (thanks for waiting for us, dude)
So, we have been a bit on the busy side.
And during all that, our computer died, hence the radio silence.

So, one shiny new hard-drive later- we are a go.  But not today.
And while I have had many thoughts and feels over the past month, and I need to get them out before my brain explodes- today is not that day.
There are MANY thoughts and feels out on the interwebs and in the ether.
These are interesting times we live in- and yes, I understand what an understatement that is.

But in the meantime, here are a few photos to give you a break from the batshit crazy of the world.
Take a break from the politics, the news.
Seriously- take a break before you go crazy.
Enjoy some of the goodness in the world that we live and love in.
You are welcome.

Just because,  I love the princess and her Uncle Marty.

We went to Bandon, Oregon.  It was a smidge on the windy side.

It was also where the seals would come rest- we could see them from the hotel.

Ahhh.   The Oregon Coast- it doesn't suck.  This is also where a random
and adorable 5 year old boy informed me I was his "new friend."  Good times.

We can cross it off the bucket list.   After 7 years, we have finally eaten at all six
Pig N' Pancakes, including the dodgy one in Portland.
It is important to have goals.

Ice cream sodas= happiness.


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