A bit of a rant.

It's been awhile, dear reader.  I apologize.
I have been writing:  classes for ministry, a book- just not writing the blog.
I feel like what is brewing in my soul is just too darn big to blog about.
I don't know how to narrow down all that is currently whirling around in my brain and leaking out my ears.

Every time I think that the divisiveness on our world can't get any worse, it does.
Every time I think, SURELY love and decency will win out, it does NOT.
Every time I think basic common respect for our fellow human beings will have victory, we are more hateful than ever.
Somehow we have all forgotten that every single person is created in the image of GOD.
Christian, is that what Jesus called you to?
To tell everyone how wrong they are and how right you are?

What is wrong with us?
Why are we so cold-hearted, hard headed and selfish? 
So determined to have our own way?
So self-centered?

Here's the thing....my fellow Christians, I am talking to you.

Nationalism/patriotism is NOT Christianity.
The Bible...isn't an AMERICAN book.
There is a huge world out there- the gospel is for ALL of us. It's for all of North America, for South America, it's for the middle east, everything south of the equator, it's is for Russia and China, it is for the whole world- and the message is the gospel- NOT here-is-how-we-are-religious-in-the-States message-the gospel is as much for the terrified child-bride in India as it is for you. It is as much for her much older husband who can burn her alive without repercussion as it is for you (as hard as that is to swallow)

If you are more interested in political power and forcing all people to think like you do (never mind that God gives us all free will)- then you need to sit in a quiet place and have a chat with God.  I believe Jesus called those folks "pharisees."
It's not a compliment.

If you are pro-life, but actually only mean pro-birth- and that 15 year old that got raped and pregnant- well, you send thoughts and prayers and wish her the best, good luck with that- but the guy that raped her has such a promising future, he's only 17 so a slap on the wrist will be enough punishment...oh yeah, and he's white- because it's all the people of color who are REALLY the criminals- that is NOT pro-life.
If you think that it's okay for toddlers to be separated from their families, for women to be raped and then blamed and shamed, for people to be trafficked, for children to go hungry, for sick veterans and the elderly to be ignored, for the mentally ill to wander homeless without help, if you think it's okay that genocide without repentance happens all over the world without justice- that is not pro-life, y'all need to crack open the Book again, I recommend starting with Isaiah 58.

Hatred and willful blindness is not Christianity.
We must ask God to show us the way- pray for discernment, pray that the lies of the enemy fall on our deaf ears. Pray that God will grant us compassion, love and the courage to follow it up.
Y'all- this makes me EXHAUSTED.

I am examining my heart- it's HARD.  I don't always like what I find.

With all the crazy happening in our nation right now, the devil is all like- this is GREAT!!! 
I don't need to do anything- this country is self-destructing!!!  Families are divided and fighting!
Everyone is "unfriending" everyone!  THIS IS FANTASTIC.

Y'all.  Don't let him win.

This has been a hard week for women.  Again and again- when we speak up about injustice- we are faced with unbelief and blame and shame. This is not God's intention for his daughters. His IMAGE BEARERS. 

In His eyes- we are EZER KENEGDO- warrior women entrusted with the care of His world.  If you think we will vanish quietly into the background- you are sorely mistaken.
As a friend of mine once said, "Aslan is on the move."
God is revealing Himself to His daughters- He is reassuring them HE sees them, there WILL be justice from the Ancient of Days- He is calling us out- calling us up- to RISE, to pray, to speak, to tell truth, to preach, to serve ,to heal, to worship, to sing, to dance, to create.  It is time.


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