And so it begins.

Hello friends, I am sure you will not be surprised to find that I have a lot stirring in my spirit.
I am still processing a bit, but shall post more in the days to come.
In the meantime- may I remind you of the following:

Many of the people who voted for Hillary Clinton did so with a great deal of thought and prayer, in hopes of a better country.

Many of the people who voted for Donald Trump did so with a great deal of thought and prayer, in hopes of a better country.

There are a lot of people in pain out there...hurting, grieving and fearful.  Fear causes people to lash out.  Be prepared to step in with love and peace and hope.  According to Romans 8, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

Please be kind to one another- love one another.
It is not okay to tell people to "get over it"- their fear is real.
Our life experiences are unique- as are the struggles we deal with on a daily basis.
Do not assume you understand what someone is going through.
If you have not been on the receiving end of injustice because of racism or misogyny- do not presume to tell people how to feel.
Extend grace and love instead- if you are a believer,
this is what you are COMMANDED....
BY do.  Pray for people, love them.

One of the brilliant things about our country is that we have the freedom of speech.  It is our right to express our disappointment in a peaceful way.  Do not belittle people for using this right.

For the record, the shooting that happened in Seattle last night was NOT related to the anti-Trump rally.  My husband was in the area of the rally at the time with a friend.  People yelled as they marched, that's as violent as it got. The shooting was the result of  a personal argument outside a 7-11 store- the rally wasn't even in the area of the shooting at the time- don't believe everything the media says.

Be careful what you say.
If you are spouting hate against people you think are "bigoted, narrow-minded, stupid, etc..." STOP.
It doesn't matter which side of politics you fall on- this is unlove.  If you are a believer in Christ- it is sin.
If you make fun of people who are fearful and want to leave the country- that is not okay.
It's not okay to make fun of or belittle anyone- hate language in any form is not acceptable in the eyes of God. STOP.
It is sin.
If you direct hate toward Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton and their followers- it is sin.

Process your emotions, and give others the space and grace to process theirs.
Allow folks to vent and grieve.  Love them through their pain.  Listen to their concerns and fears...they are valid.

We have work to do in our nation.

No government can change the call of the people of God.
We are called to love, to fight injustice, to serve and care for the oppressed.
We are called to love our neighbor and our enemy, and to BLESS them.

But I say unto you, 
Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you, 
and pray for them which despitefully use you.
Matthew 5:44

Yes, it is hard.
If it weren't difficult, the world would look a lot different.

Remember- God is still on the throne.  He is not surprised.
If you are a believer in Christ- and you think that politics and power are the answer,
Check yourself.
Legislation and political power do not save.  Only Christ saves.
The pharisees sought political power, look how that turned out.

Our call is still the same.  Love God, love one another- and make disciples.

I believe in the time to come, we will have amazing opportunities to love and draw people to God.
I pray that these times bring out the best in people- that we will rise up together, to fight for justice, to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, to love and protect and care for one another.
To love in spirit and in truth.

To be honest- this election did not go the way I had hoped.
But I have not lost hope.

If you voted for Trump- be kind, don't people.
If you voted for Hillary- grieve, but be kind- and when the poop hits the fan, don't people.

We, the people,  have the power to bring about change for good.
No government can stop us from loving and caring for one another.  Remember that.
Ask yourself, how can I love someone who is hurting today?  And then, do it.
Don't know what to do?
Ask SOMEONE what you can do for them today...then do it.

And we know that God causes 
things to work together for good 
to those who love God, to those who are called
according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

It doesn't say "some" things- it says "all" things. 
God isn't afraid of a Trump presidency- He is not afraid of any president. 

We need to trust Him, 
we need to be His boots on the ground and get to work 
loving people.



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